Our approach

Our success is in the value we give to strong partnerships and sustainable customer relationships.

Through its venturing activities, Bekaert is keeping a close contact with the vibrating world of startups and external innovations. Through setting up partnerships with startups and scale-ups, we aim to develop solutions that ultimately give our customers a competitive advantage. That is "Better together"!

As from the initial discussions with a startup company, Bekaert Venturing will be in close contact with the relevant internal stakeholders (Business Units, R&D, Engineering, …) to ensure every partnership can really create a win-win situation. Our ambition is to find a perfect balance in sustaining the innovation and entrepreneurship of the startup and leveraging the business and technical expertise, global reach and industrial scale of Bekaert. 

Better together also implies setting the correct foundations for the partnership. Therefore, Bekaert Venturing will not only consider the possibility of making a direct investment to further support the growth of a startup, but can provide support in setting up a joint development program with one of our business units or in becoming one of the first customers of the early-stage company.